McKirgan Genealogy Group
The “McKirgan Genealogy Group” (MGG) is comprised of those individuals who are interested in the family history of the McKirgans. Members are either McKirgans or are related to McKirgans.
The MGG was started by Craig Charles McKirgan (DOB: 12 April 1959, Des Moines, Iowa, USA) of Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA. Craig is the son of Ivan Rolland McKirgan (1924-2004), grandson of Charles Darrah McKirgan (1881-1941), great-grandson of Alexander Robert McKirgan (1855-1931), great-great-grandson of Alexander McKirgan (1831-1913) and the great-great-great-grandson of William McKirgan.
The initial group was a few individuals who wanted to compare notes on family history through the use of e-mail. As time progressed, the group has gotten larger and now encompasses individuals in the United States, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, England, Germany, …etc.
There are a number of groups or families of McKirgans that have been identified through the MGG. Our ultimate goal is to connect all of these McKirgan families into one large McKirgan family or Clan. Hopefully if all of us work together, share information and go back far enough in time with our own individual family histories, we will eventually find a common ancestor.
If you know of anyone else who would like to be included in the MGG, please e-mail their name and e-mail address to Craig C. McKirgan at: .
When initially “joining” the MGG, please use FULL names for you, your parents, grandparents, etc. When “members” email each other, PLEASE send a copy (Cc) of your correspondence to the MGG or to Craig C. McKirgan ( ) and he will forward to MGG. This is of great benefit to all of us as we try to connect our various families together.