Please keep in mind that this is a slow work in progress. If dates or names are missing please let me know the info so I can update it. If there is someone you are looking for and do not see them on here please let me know, I may have missed them. Thank you so much for your patience while I work on this. Each post is linked to a family unless there are unknown.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Roger McKirgan

Roger McKirgan
I have no idea who Roger is or who he married.  He did have one known daughter, Elizabeth Jane McKirgan.

  1. Elizabeth Jane McKirgan married William Cowen on 16 May 1876



  1. Hey Jenn, love the site, I too have just started one for my family, also McKirgan although by this generation, McKergan.
    I have a Roger McKirgan c.1844, father of Thomas, father of James (my great-grandfather) although I too can find nothing of Roger?
    My ancestry stays here in County Londonderry N.Ireland but searching further afield for Roger at the moment.
    Maybe you'd like to link sites? Mines very new but will grow, still have lots of info to add, getting there slowly but surely.
    Good luck in your search, good to know you :)

  2. Lucy, Please email me at I haven't worked on Genealogy for a while and need to post some more info. I will look through my info this weekend & start posting more.


*- living

**-personal information unknown at this time.