Please keep in mind that this is a slow work in progress. If dates or names are missing please let me know the info so I can update it. If there is someone you are looking for and do not see them on here please let me know, I may have missed them. Thank you so much for your patience while I work on this. Each post is linked to a family unless there are unknown.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ireland McKirgan Clan

Ireland McKirgan’s

As I made the outline for the Ireland clan, I realized that I have no info for this side of the family.  I tried to go online and see what I could find only to find out that our internet is down, one of the many joys of country living.  So I have left many blanks that need to be filled in.  Please help me fill in the blanks. 

Somewhere in the clan David McKirgan, father of Ellen McKirgan Hunter needs to find a place, but without knowing any of his information I can not place him.   I’m thinking that maybe William and David may be brothers.

Also somewhere in the Ireland clan should be Alexander’s 3 brothers and 1 known sister, none of the names are known. 

So Ireland clan…let’s see if we can fill in the blanks and see how close we can come to finding out how closely related we could actually be.   

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